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Being lonely is not being alone, you can be in a big crowd of people and still feel lonely despite it.

Behind all my fake smiles, is a lonely heart waiting for someone to cheer me up.

The worst part about being lonely is when I feel like I do even like myself anymore.

I will never forget going through my depression stage where it seems that anxiety is my only friend and loneliness is the only one I can rely on.

Someday, I want to be comfortable in being alone so that I do not get all that lonely anymore.

I guess it is still better to be lonely than be hurt by people whom you trust the most.

Hang on to the pain, for someday, you will see that these pain that you are going through is the very same one that will help you become a stronger person.

It may sound crazy but laughing just heals the mind.

I just want someone to reach out their hand to me and tell me that everything is going to be fine.

Maybe cutting is not the solution but crying is not either so I keep on doing the two until my body becomes numb enough to the pain that I keep on feeling here in my heart.

The worst part in being lonely is when people figures it out and then you get a pity party.

There is nothing good in pleasing other people because in the end, you would not get to do it anymore.

Your heart is one of the most important part of yourself so never give it to someone who does not know how to take care of it.

There are times when it just seems so much easier to keep on pretending that everything is alright rather than admit to yourself that it is killing you.

It is so hard to stay alone but it is better than be blamed, envied, hated and hurt.

The fact that the very people who were once so close to me are now the ones that keeps on acting like complete strangers.

Maybe the worst part of holding on to the memories that you have is not the pain that comes with it but rather the loneliness within it, this is because memories need to be told, to be shared with someone else.

We are all the same inside, we all share the same loneliness and dying because of it so why not be with someone?

Loneliness is so cruel, it makes a person feel like he or she is all by himself or herself.

So you shut your eyes to the world because no one sees you anyway, you learn to shut your mouth because no one listens and stop reaching out because no one wants to hold your hand.

There is this hole in my heart in where you used to be, and it feels like I am walking around aimlessly because you left me for someone else.

Is she better than I ever was? I do not know what I did not have for you to have left me because of her when I clearly love you more than she ever will.

It feels so lonely to realize that no one in this world will ever care about me the way you used to.

Maybe I am note really sad, maybe I feel lonely because all the friends around me are just there because they need something from me.

Most of the times, it seems that loneliness is my only friend.

I listen to sad songs whenever I am sad and then it just makes me sadder than ever.

You know what hurts? The truth, but only for a short while, but lies is worse for they hurt a lifetime long.

Sometimes tears are not because you are weak but because it you have just been far too strong for far too long and you need an escape.

Sleep is an escape from the reality that seems to kill me from the inside.

You want to know my greatest pain? Loving you when I know that I will never have you.

It feels so lonely to not know myself anymore.

Loneliness is scary but it is the only company that I have.

Most of the rich tend to be lonely for it is true that money cannot buy everything, especially happiness.

You need to understand that being lonely and being alone are two different things that are so far fetched from each other.

Being lonely is inevitable; it is a stage in life that almost all people go through so does not be afraid of it.

We used to be so close we almost treated each other as siblings so why did I wake up one day to find that we went from there to being strangers?

There are moments when it feels like the whole world can come crashing down your shoulders any time soon and you cannot really do anything about it.

Being alone is scary but if no one can inflict pain on you, maybe it is much better that way.

Being lonely is one of the worst feelings in the world.

I hate that moment when all my anger suddenly turns into sad tears.

If you plan on making me cry, then you better be responsible enough to wipe my tears away.

The past will only keep on making me sad so I plan on never bringing it again with me.

I can’t let you go because without you, I just hate everything about being lonely.

I personally think that there is no point in crying especially since the moment you left me alone.

I never gave up, I just want to rest a bit and see if you even care about me just a bit.

Sometimes, I think the pain I feel is a big reminder that I am still alive.

Keep on telling yourself to always be kind because you do not know what each people are going through, they might be fighting battles even worse than you.

I hate it most when some people tells me that they miss me but they do not even do anything to get in touch with you, they just like to feel guilty about it.

And then suddenly, my whole world crumbled to pieces and you were not there to help me pick it up.

I feel so broken and I do not know what I should do about it.

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